
Un treno ad alta velocità collegherà Tashkent a Bukhara

22La nuova ferrovia ad alta velocità collegherà Tashkent e Bukhara. E’ stato firmato il contratto per l’acquisto di due treni e per la costruzione delle nuove infrastrutture, tra i quali, la stazione ferroviaria.

National railroad specialists are getting ready to launch a new high-speed railway that will connect Tashkent and Bukhara. They have already signed a contract for the purchase of two modern electric trains, with the creation construction of infrastructure underway. The construction of a state-of the-art Central Station, which will be a finishing touch of the project, is in full swing.

The desire of Uzbekistan Railways to build a new station in Bukhara is understandable. The previous one-story building of the station did not meet modern standards. It was reconstructed and upgraded several times, while the increasing passenger traffic required new urban technologies and solutions.

The old building was demolished last summer due to the upcoming launch of a high-speed line, and consequent increase of the number of routes to Bukhara, as well as creation of better amenities for passengers and foreign tourists. It was the first step towards the construction of a modern terminal with a capacity of 200 people at a time.

The new station will be a two-story building with a VIP hall and four lounges for guests. It will also have duty rooms, CCTV monitoring, mother and child room, a medical center, an information desk and a snack bar. The building combines contemporary interior design with national esthetics and color.

Powered by modern technologies and domestic construction materials of international standards, the builders erected walls and roof, expanded the platform, and constructed ramps for people with disabilities. The finishing of the interior is currently nearing the completion.

A modern fountain, railroad ticket offices, as well as a parking lot will be built in spring in front of the station. The launch of the Central Station is scheduled for September. The total project cost of the construction of high-speed railway to Bukhara exceeds $400 million.

Every day the railway ticket office sells nearly 9,000 tickets for local and international destinations. In 2015, ticket sales increased by 9%, while the number of passengers soared by 12%.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)